By David Shewan January 28th, 2016
With the amount of organisations out there offering ‘energy audits’ or ‘energy assessments’ these days, particularly since the demise of the Government’s Green Deal scheme, it can be difficult to know where to start looking if you’re a homeowner. While...
By Chris Newman June 3rd, 2015
Way back in September 2013 we posted a piece comparing our demo house to Passivhaus and Enerphit. I’ve provided updated figures here based on our actual bills for 2014: The figures pretty much speak for themselves. Remember, we didn’t follow...
By David Shewan January 8th, 2014
We thought it would be interesting to work up a quick graphic of where we’ve carried out our award winning Home Energy Masterplan service throughout the UK. The image below shows the location of all Masterplan assessments carried out since...
By Chris Newman September 26th, 2013
Whilst we support many of the underlying principle of Passivhaus design, we don’t believe that Passivhaus principle and design are the most suitable approach to retrofitting most of the UK’s buildings. Essentially this is for the following reasons: – Passivhaus...
By Chris Newman September 24th, 2013
I’ve also added the project to the Low energy building database where it compares very well to other buildings – check out the actual figures compared to Passivhaus houses (in warmer years).