Local Authorities

We are in a climate emergency. The age of single measures is over and every house needs a holistic plan.

Pathways provides local authorities with a plan for every property, whatever the tenure; in a format that is collatable and comparable with other sectors, in order to identify your least cost route to Net Zero.

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Our services model how to decarbonise UK housing as far as possible, with existing technologies. The sooner we identify the quickest and most cost-effective route, the sooner we can start moving along it.

Evidenced Based-Decisions

Use data to model options for policy and programme development

Recognise Differences

Model the options for every home, not just archetypes

Prioritise action

Identify properties for intervention whether targets are fuel poverty, Net Zero targets or ensuring compliance with Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

Tailor Programmes

Analytics layer property, flood risk and socio-economic data

Find Efficiencies

Pathways test 3000 interventions, with up-to-date market pricing

Design to delivery

Design schemes ready for implementation by local, quality assured SMEs at competitive rates


We help local authorities whether they are acting on the climate emergency, are a delivery partner in energy efficiency programmes, or looking to cut the costs of enforcing minimum standards for healthy homes.


For Local Authorities

Pathways provides local authorities with a plan for every property, whatever the tenure; in a format that is collatable and comparable with other sectors, in order to identify your least cost route to Net Zero.

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App presents a retrofit plan



The homeowner’s input to retrofit is vital. Our app allows homeowners to update their property information and specify their priorities before generating an initial whole house plan. This plan improves the homeowner’s confidence by indicating likely costs and measures, empowering them in the next step of booking a visit from a Retrofit Coordinator. The app can be rebranded to suit the retrofit programme’s needs – contact us to find out more.

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For risk management and Compliance

Focus resources where they are most needed with our address-level predictions for health hazards in homes.

Available exclusively to our Portfolio and Pathways clients, this machine learning module predicts the likelihood of main health hazards across the housing stock to focus investment in energy efficiency, public health and stock condition improvements.

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pv predictor

Find the PV potential in your housing stock

Available exclusively to our Portfolio and Pathways clients, this geospatial module identifies homes suitable for solar PV installations across the housing stock.

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Consultancy Service

For Delivering retrofit action plans

Thanks to our data analytics, you know what retrofit each home needs, but what now? Our consultants will help you develop action plans for the whole stock or target interventions that meet your needs and overcome constraints.

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How do you prepare a Net Zero Strategy for Housing?

Our approach recognises that every house and every resident are unique.

At its core, our service looks at the technical interventions necessary to decarbonise housing in three steps

  • Baseline: identifies current carbon emissions from the housing stock, along with estimated fuel bills and energy use
  • Business as Usual: applies the impact of policies and programmes already planned for the homes, whether those are national, local or landlord-specific
  • Net Zero Scenarios: calculates a least cost route for each home to meet our clients’ targets, with exceptions-reporting where no combination of measures can deliver what is required.

Once the technical potential is understood, we move to the real world where the place or its people may require a more tailored approach

  • Client data, such as conservation area maps, is layered over the scenarios to remove technologies that are not suited to the location
  • Demographic data is layered over the scenarios to identify what is needed to get help to those in need, and tailor engagement to residents’ needs and interests.

Together this gives us a whole house plan for each home, to reduce its carbon emissions as cost-effectively as possible, in a way that reflects the needs of the place and its residents.

Can we use Pathways to analyse Council-owned stock?

Landlords require our Portfolio service to analyse Council-owned stock.

The Portfolio service incorporates the full data that Councils hold on their own stock to provide greater accuracy, giving users more freedom to configure their own scenarios.



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