Heat Pump Ready research project

We need your help to make zero carbon possible

The UK’s 30 million homes account for more than 21% of the country’s total carbon emissions, with three-quarters of this coming from heating systems. 85% of UK homes are on the gas network, using fossil fuels and producing large quantities of carbon emissions. Retrofitting our homes to use low carbon heating systems is a major challenge which we must address to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

It’s a particular challenge in the UK, as British homes lose heat up to three times faster than those across Europe. More than 80% of the homes we’ll be living in by 2050 have already been built and the majority will require major upgrades to reach required energy efficiency standards.

Focussing on attaining this net zero target, Parity Projects is at the forefront of making homes healthier to live in, more comfortable and cost-effective re energy consumption.


Goal of the Heat Pump Ready research project

To support individual homeowners, the UK Government needs to ensure that everyone can access attractive finance, grants and loans that help them retrofit their homes and adopt low carbon heat.

Heat Pump Ready Programme forms part of BEIS’ £1 billion Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP). There 3 streams of research:

  • Heat Pump Ready – Stream 1: Solutions for High-Density Heat Pump Deployment
  • Heat Pump Ready – Stream 2: Developing Tools & Technology
  • Heat Pump Ready – Stream 3: Trial Support and Learning

Parity Projects comes under Stream 2 – “Developing Tools and Technology” with Parity focussing on performance:

“Performance aims to directly address the cost and quality assurance barriers of decarbonising heat in homes, by creating a low-cost cost-effective options analysis and verification protocol to enable the offer of a financially insurable performance guarantee to homeowners and landlords.”

“The project outcome will be software that integrates existing retrofit supply chain components to ensure improved assurance of design and installation of a suitable package of measures, with a particular focus on managing financial risk.”


How can I get involved? 

We are running a monitoring project over a period of 18 months and are currently looking for suitable homes. The project involves installing heat meters and temperature sensors into homes to capture environmental data and model the energy performance.

  • Are you interested in contributing towards a carbon zero future?
  • Do you live in the Cambridgeshire or surrounding areas?
  • Is your home a detached, semi detached or end of terrace?
  • Do you have smart gas and electric meters?
  • Do you have an internet connection?
  • Would you like to receive £100 of shopping vouchers, an interactive weather station worth £199 and to keep the installed equipment?

If you’ve answered yes to all of the above then we would be excited to discuss your home further.

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