
Our Policy model provides the private, public and third sector with the test bed they need to investigate policy and operational options for decarbonising homes in a green recovery.

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The decarbonisation of homes is necessary but challenging. Decision-makers across sectors need to consider all housing types, all options, their costs and benefits.

Clients can test policy options against the representative sample of UK homes in our Home Energy Model, to understand the measures required, their cost, the benefits and skills required.

Stack Scenarios

The model can test multiple scenarios, such as approaches that differ by tenure or property value, and change over time.

Client Goals

Investment scenarios are tested against your ambitions, whether those are driven by carbon emissions or the potential for certain measures.

Policy Levers

The model can incorporate expected policy levers, assume more interventions, and test the potential impact of others.

Market Opportunity

Investment scenarios applying current policy goals and policy levers identify the market opportunity for measures.

Green Recovery

For a client-set timeline, skills gaps and job opportunities can be identified for each investment scenario.


The model calculates the costs and benefits of measures, and can apply budget limits by programme or property.

Our Policy Model tests investment scenarios against a representative sample of over 12,000 homes. These are scaled proportionately to reflect the English Housing Stock or GB housing stock.

Where plans are required to shape delivery, we recommend our Portfolio, Pathways and Programme Builder tools as every home is unique.