By David Shewan September 9th, 2014
Our CROHM stock assessment service has been featured in the National Housing Federation‘s new briefing for social housing providers “Business Planning for Energy Efficiency and Renewables”. The briefing – developed in collaboration with us, Sustainable Homes and the Carbon Savings...
By David Shewan October 8th, 2013
Last week we launched our new Partnership with Ecotricity. It’s an exciting prospect for us to have a relationship with such an innovative company, and one that shares so many of the same values as us. And, according to Ecotricity’s...
By Chris Newman September 18th, 2013
We’ve entered our demonstration project onto CarbonBuzz and will continue to enter data as we take meter readings. Its interesting to see that despite the house still having work to be done (i.e. holes!) in the first year and a...
By David Shewan July 12th, 2013
It’s been a long time coming but it appears the Renewable Heat Incentive is finally, almost here. The Department of Energy and Climate Change has today announced the tariff levels to be paid to homeowners installing low carbon heating technologies...
By Chris Newman August 14th, 2012
A mini post about our installation’s performance in its first (not such a sunny spring and summer) year. Our PV installer provided the following predictions: SAP – 1,858kWh and PVSol – 1,962 kWh. In the end we actually generated 2,111kWh...
By Chris Newman September 20th, 2011
Following a slightly leading question from my colleague David, I’ve done some quantitative analysis on the potential savings now and under a hypothetical Renewable Heat Incentive regime. The RHI will now require metered amounts for which I’ve used the modelled kWh savings from a...
By Chris Newman July 18th, 2011
The Government launched the Feed In Tariffs last year. This means that householders can generate income from electricity-producing technologies above and beyond the actual savings to themselves. I’m not going to go into the pros and cons of the actual scheme here...