
Its been 2 months since my last blog update saying I was looking forward to the the first proper winter of energy monitoring. I’ve updated the graph below to show figures up to the 1st December energy use. Obviously the...
The National Audit Office (NAO) published a report today entitled ‘Infrastructure Investment: the impact on consumer bills‘. We’ll publish an overview document shortly as part of our Report Outline series. In the meantime, we’ve no doubt the media will miss...
While we usually advise a lead-in time of around 1-2 weeks between signing up for our Home Energy Masterplan service and receiving a visit from one of our expert surveyors, we do strive to accommodate clients whenever possible. Still, it...
 The Government launched the Feed In Tariffs last year. This means that householders can generate income from electricity-producing technologies above and beyond the actual savings to themselves.  I’m not going to go into the pros and cons of the actual scheme here...