
Rather appropriately on Cold Homes Week ministers have been told that reducing the number of cold, leaky houses in the UK should be made a national infrastructure priority. It seems there is now widespread, cross-party support for this. While this...
With the amount of organisations out there offering ‘energy audits’ or ‘energy assessments’ these days, particularly since the demise of the Government’s Green Deal scheme, it can be difficult to know where to start looking if you’re a homeowner. While...
Its highly likely that its only in the last few days that you’ve had to think about how cold your house is. There has been a lot of talk recently about the removal of many of the incentives to retrofit i.e....
Ok, so its our own record, but we’ve had the lowest calendar year energy usage for our demo house so far. I’m putting it down to 3 changes over last year – a) slightly lower occupancy with the children being...
One key area of retrofit that we are repeatedly asked about by Home Energy Masterplan clients is solid wall insulation (SWI). This isn’t surprising when you consider that there are over 8 million homes in the UK with solid, uninsulated...
Now that we’re officially into autumn, it’s fast approaching that time of year again when many of us (myself included) start thinking about how soon is ‘too soon’ to stick the heating on. Having spent most of last week working...
Way back in September 2013 we posted a piece comparing our demo house to Passivhaus and Enerphit.  I’ve provided updated figures here based on our actual bills for 2014:   The figures pretty much speak for themselves. Remember, we didn’t follow...