Heat Professionals

Low carbon heat options need to consider the impact of energy efficiency measures on demand.

Heat pumps can work for any home, but work best when homes are well-insulated. Getting the balance right between improving the fabric of homes and heating them with low carbon heating is core to the Net Zero challenge for housing.

The development and delivery of low carbon heat network projects should include retrofit scenario planning to identify likely changes in demand. This can reduce consumption risk, identify the most cost-effective carbon savings and identify the potential for expansion as homes leak less heat.

Our model tests 2400 energy efficiency measures, in different combinations, with the client-specified heat solution in order to identify the optimal mix that will deliver affordable and clean heat.

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Profile stock

Identify properties that could benefit from heat pumps or a connection to a heat network, and the most cost-effective way to decarbonise their heat demand and supply

Visualise data

Use maps and other graphics to develop and communicate proposals.

Model impact

Identify the impact of interventions in terms of cost, carbon savings, fuel poverty, Net Zero targets and ensuring compliance with minimum energy efficiency standards.

Have confidence in data

Understand and manage data quality to reduce the risk in decision-making.