This weekend’s Telegraph saw Parity’s Home Energy Masterplan service go “head to head” with a Green Deal assessment.
We surveyed the home of Telegraph journalist Sarah Lonsdale, who was interested to find out what advice was available to help her understand the options she had for making her home warmer, cheaper to run, and more environmentally friendly.
I think it’s fair to say that there was only really one winner! For a house such as hers, full of complexities, a more detailed assessment was always going to give her more granular advice, and a clearer indication of what the cost benefit of different measures might be.
As Sarah says in her article “The adage you get what your pay for applies… being more sophisticated, the bespoke service showed how I could make greater savings at a far lower outlay than the Green Deal report“.
When we’re less busy dealing with all the new enquiries(!), we’ll write some more telling you why Masterplans offer the kind of detail that is likely to be helpful for households in more complex homes, and with more specific objectives than can be accounted for in a simpler assessment.
Click here for a link to the original Telegraph article.