London’s housing faces huge challenges, from the health risks of damp and mould to the urgency of retrofit to meet Net Zero. We need to deploy resources efficiently, which relies on having the right data at your fingertips with smart analysis to surface the opportunities that will have the biggest impact.
To tackle this, the Greater London Authority (GLA) has licensed Parity Projects’ Pathways tool for all London Boroughs. Pathways connects you with comprehensive energy performance data and Scenario modelling for all homes in Greater London. Gain immediate access to strategic insights, data modelling and expert support through this licensed tool.
Webinar Name: Pathways to Net Zero Housing in London
Date: Tue, 20 Feb
When: 14:30 – 15:00 GMT
Location: Online; Please contact us for a registration link
In this webinar, you will learn how Pathways provides:
- Strategic retrofit analysis
- Risk and Compliance assessments
- Retrofit programme design
- Targeting Funding
As well as additional tools that integrate with Pathways in order to streamline retrofit delivery.
This webinar is for local authority staff across all London boroughs, the GLA and London Councils, so do share with colleagues.
If you can’t make this date or have any questions, contact your parity analyst directly or get in touch.