We are proud to have won the Domestic Retrofit category at the GreenBuild Awards 2014.
This comes at the end of a very successful year having had our demo house shortlisted for the AJRetrofit Awards 2013, the RetroExpo Awards 2013, and the CIBSE Awards 2014.
One of the great things about the GreenBuild Awards is that the judges really concentrate on actual performance. We believe both our outstanding results, and our transparency in terms of prices and ongoing bills must have impressed them.
Our overall aim with our demo house (other than providing a family home) was to show that a sensible and thoughtful renovation can lead to great results and doesn’t need to cost the earth. We’re big believers in appropriate technologies and concurrent working – the former makes sure only cost effective measures are installed and the later keeps the overall cost down. Significant savings, and by that we mean over 50%, should be possible in most older properties for marginal extra cost of far less than £20,000, and usually for under £10,000.
Obviously getting the best independent advice around is the best start, whether you are looking to piecemeal improve your home or do a whole house retrofit.
It’s obviously lovely to be recognised with a GreenBuild award, but living in a warm, comfortable, healthy and cheap house day in day out with my family is the best reward for my efforts.