Our latest chart from November figures published by DECC and Ofgem with a bit more commentary above each. These charts all show absolute values for the month and are not cumulative.
The number of Green Deal Assessments were up in October and were the highest month yet. There still isn’t a massive number coming through though – running at around 0.07% of the UK housing stock a month.
Slightly worrying is the decrease in “new plans started” off the back of Green Deal Assessments. If we treat the new plans as coming from the previous months assessments the conversion rate is currently 2.5%. The number of new live plans is up significantly – one to watch keenly for the next couple of months to see if the trend continues – anything other than exponential over many months will essentially mean the Green Deal has had no statistical impact.
What we notice here is that there has been a big drop in the solid wall insulation installations. I suspect most people thought (and wanted) it to continue growing as the ECO process settled down. Lets see next month if this is just a blip. Hard to Treat Cavities up again but linearly not exponentially.
Overall no indication of any step change in Green Deal and ECO success and recent political and commercial posturing can hardly have done the schemes any favours. An interesting observation is the large difference between the figures for measures submitted to Ofgem and those approved. Its not clear yet whether there is a significant lag causing this discrepancy or whether many aren’t being approved, or both.