Are you a smaller landlord who wants help to start your retrofit journey?
Join our webinar at 10am Thursday 2nd February to hear lessons learned from retrofit delivery to date, and learn about our new service for smaller landlords.
Are you a smaller landlord who wants help to start your retrofit journey?
Join our webinar at 10am Thursday 2nd February to hear lessons learned from retrofit delivery to date, and learn about our new service for smaller landlords.
We understand smaller landlords face particular challenges in the decarbonisation of the housing stock. This webinar addresses those challenges and sets out how Parity Projects has adapted its market-leading service to help you understand your stock and assess options for its improvement.
Particular issues include resources available; a patchwork of stock, in terms of archetype and location; heritage sensitivities; and tenant vulnerability, which affects what can be done to homes when. Parity Projects’ Portfolio Lite SaaS makes energy performance data easier to model and manage, allowing you to focus on that detail in developing your strategy and delivering your programme.
Portfolio software currently serves the landlords of more than 1.5 million homes in the UK. It uses commonly available data and the latest RdSAP calculations to report on current performance and model:
Our new Lite service introduces a new entry level for smaller portfolios, as part of our mission to provide every home with a retrofit plan.
Please fill in the form to register for the event. A link will be sent before the event.