Category: Parity News

BEIS aims to consult on a market framework for heat networks this summer, following its response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s Market Study and the Industry Heat Network Task Force report Shared Warmth. This week the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP) has opened...
This week, Alex Rostron of Rutlish School in Wimbledon spent the week with us to experience first hand how we are trying to improve the performance of homes across the country. We asked him to summarise some of the things...
Today the National Infrastructure Commission published the first-ever assessment of the United Kingdom’s economic infrastructure needs up to 2050. More than measures The Commission has identified the need for 21,000 improvements to lofts, walls and floors every week between now and...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Your home and garden support a vast array of animals, but construction/renovating/modifying houses can have a negative effect on different types of wildlife in Britain. But there are changes you can make to give wildlife a home in your house...
How our CROHM service helps you meet EESSH reporting requirements and set your strategy.
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 or ‘CDM 2015’ aim to improve health and safety in the industry by helping all stakeholders in a project to: sensibly plan the work so the risks involved are managed from start to...
In anticipation of some major developments to our CROHM service (watch this space…), we’ve given our CROHM stock assessment outputs a bit of a face lift and integrated a whole series of improvements we’ve made for individual clients over the last few years into...